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Dungeon Crawler Carl - Fanart

Art done by Luciano Fleitas

Dungeon Crawler Carl - Review

Link to the author's (M. Dinniman) personal website

Book 1: Dungeon Crawler Carl

Book 2: Carl's Doomsday Scenario

Book 3: The Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook

Book 4: The Gate of the Feral Gods

Book 5: The Butcher's Masquerade

Book 6: The Eye of the Bedlam Bride

Book 7: This Inevitable Ruin

Blurb: (From Book 1) It's the most-watched game show in the galaxy!

In a flash, every human-erected construction on Earth--from Buckingham Palace to the tiniest of sheds to all the trucks and cars--collapses in a heap, sinking into the ground.

The buildings and all the people inside, they've all been atomized and transformed into the dungeon: an 18-level labyrinth filled with traps, monsters, and loot. A dungeon so enormous, it circles the entire globe.

Only a few dare venture inside. But once you're in, you can't get out. And what's worse, each level has a time limit. You have but days to find a staircase to the next level down, or it's game over. In this game, it's not about your strength or your dexterity. It's about your views and your followers. It's about building an audience and killing those goblins with style.

You can't just survive here. You gotta survive big.

You gotta fight with vigor, with excitement. You gotta make them stand up and cheer. And if you do have that "it" factor, you may just find yourself with a following. That's the only way to truly survive in this game, with the help of the loot boxes dropped upon you by the generous benefactors watching from across the galaxy.

They call it Dungeon Crawler World. But for Carl, it's anything but a game.

Review: This series has access to a switch that can make me go from barely breathing out of so much goofy laughter, directly to blood boiling levels of rage. The situation's can get so frustrating, so disturbing, but then the interludes between can get so hilarious. I love it.

The dialogue and the over-the-top ludicrous descriptions in this series are top-notch. I appreciate how brutal the depiction of the galaxy is, and how the suffering of a planet for quintillions of others enjoyment is just accepted. It makes me angry though, and for that anger there is Carl. He is such a well placed main character for this series, and such an amazing point of view for the story.

If the blurb is not enough to hook you into this story, then let this plea hopefully push you over the edge. This series rivals Discworld in how much it has made me laugh, and it has done so with a very different style of humor. I am rooting so hard for Carl and Princess Donut. Read this series for a unique style of sci-fi!