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Life Reset: Conquest - Review
Link to the author's (S. Kuznits) personal website
Genre: Fantasy
Publication Type: Book
- Average Age of Main Characters (29)
- Length (4 / 10)
Series: New Era Online
Link to GoodreadsBlurb: A prophecy foretold … the fate of thousands on the line …
With one major enemy town behind them, the GreenPiece clan marches onward to new conquests. Facing Oren and his monster army are the combined forces of the so-called ‘enlightened races’, intent on stopping him from invading their territory and conquering their settlements.
Reality blurs as Oren fights harder than ever to become strong enough to save the trapped players, his clan, and his family.
Review: Please go see my review for the series as a whole! Spoiler Alert: Could be worse See the series review here.