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Royal Assassin - Fanart

Art done by Elise V

Royal Assassin - Review

Link to the author's (R. Hobb) personal website

Genre: Fantasy

Publication Type: Book


  • Average Age of Main Characters (19)
  • Length (6 / 10)

Series: The Farseer Trilogy

Link to Goodreads

Blurb: Fitz has survived his first hazardous mission as king’s assassin, but is left little more than a cripple. Battered and bitter, he vows to abandon his oath to King Shrewd, remaining in the distant mountains. But love and events of terrible urgency draw him back to the court at Buckkeep, and into the deadly intrigues of the royal family.

Renewing their vicious attacks on the coast, the Red-Ship Raiders leave burned-out villages and demented victims in their wake. The kingdom is also under assault from within, as treachery threatens the throne of the ailing king. In this time of great danger, the fate of the kingdom may rest in Fitz’s hands—and his role in its salvation may require the ultimate sacrifice.

Review: Please go see my review for the series as a whole! Spoiler Alert: Not bad not great. See the series review here.

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