Soulsmith - Review
Link to the author's (W. Wight) personal website
Genre: Fantasy
Publication Type: Book
- Average Age of Main Characters (17)
- Length (3 / 10)
Series: Cradle
Link to GoodreadsBlurb: Outside Sacred Valley, ancient ruins rise from the earth, drawing sacred artists from miles around to fight for the treasures within.
Lindon has reached Copper, taking the first step on the road to power, but the warriors of the outside world are still far beyond him.
To advance, he turns to the arcane skills of the Soulsmiths, who craft weapons from the stuff of souls. With new powers come new enemies, and Lindon soon finds himself facing an entire sect of Golds.
Review: Please go see my review for the series as a whole! Spoiler Alert: Not my cup of the tea in the end. See the series review here.