Hopefully this recommendation page helps you find something you're looking for! It'll develop over time to give better recommendations, more tuned towards optional input information from the genre section. Currently there's not many books I've catalogued, so this might be a while coming. As a start it will just be set to show a random book out of those I recommend.
So the first updated version is here: It gives something more tailored if you've input some information, and will find the likeness from your input to every book that I've recorded. It'll then sample once over these similarities, so don't expect to always get the same result for the same search. I've also added another new button which shows the pre-scaled similarity from the input to each book in the library. This should be used if you're looking for a range of books to choose from. Feel free to contact me if you'd like new features added. If no information is given, or the search contains no similarity to any book, then it simply returns something random.